One of the main events of October, which all shopaholics look forward to, is Halloween 2024. On this day, online stores offer terrible discounts. Our store also joins the celebration of this event and offers its Customers to choose natural care cosmetics and eco cleaning products at incredibly low prices. Halloween is traditionally celebrated at the end of October - on the 31st. This year 2024, the holiday falls on a Thursday.

Are you planning a big purchase? Don't miss the opportunity to buy a cream, shampoo or care kit at an incredibly low price.

Halloween 2024 is the perfect day for a bargain purchase
Gloomy weather and rains are no reason to fall into autumn boredom. A great way to lose yourself is to put on a carnival costume and get ready for a party. Our store will be happy to welcome witches, vampires and other heroes of the celebration on its website. Come to us to buy high-quality natural cosmetics and home cleaning products at a good price.

The promotion is valid from October 25 to November 3, 2024. The tradition of holding sales on Halloween was first in America, later this holiday became popular in other countries, including Ukraine. On this day, large online sites around the world offer products with big discounts - 10%, -20%, -50%! Everyone loves discounts, so sales timed to this day have "taken root" with us too.

Where does Halloween come from?
Many mystical secrets and rituals are associated with Halloween. The origins of this holiday go back to the times of the Celtic tribes, who honored their dead ancestors in a unique way. In Ireland at that time, it was believed that on the night from October 31 to November 1, the line between the world of the living and the dead becomes thinner, so the souls of the dead can penetrate from the other world into ours. They come to the houses where they lived before to warm themselves by the fire. To scare away, confuse evil spirits and evil spirits, the Irish dressed in animal skins and lit bonfires.

On November 1, the Celts honored the Sun God. On this day, sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods and get a good harvest. In the Middle Ages, when Christianity reigned on the territory of modern Europe, November 1 was called All Saints' Day - All Hallows' Day. Hence the modern name - Halloween. On this day, it was customary to honor the great martyrs. Historically, pagan mysticism peacefully coexisted with Christian beliefs.

In the 19th century, immigrants from Ireland brought Halloween to America, where Celtic rites and traditions were mixed with Indian ones. This is how the American version of this holiday that we know today arose. Halloween is one of the oldest holidays in the whole world. Today, few people believe in werewolves and witches, but the tradition of organizing parties with dressing up as representatives of evil forces has remained. "Rituals" turned into theatrical performances, mass festivities and parties, the purpose of which is to have fun.

What does a pumpkin with a candle mean on Halloween?
One of the symbols of Halloween is a pumpkin with a "scary" face. There are several versions of the origin of this attribute. A pumpkin "head" with a lighted candle inside symbolizes the harvest, evil spirits, and fire that scares away evil spirits at the same time. The flame of a candle lit inside a pumpkin also symbolizes souls wandering between worlds.

Another belief is that the fire in the pumpkin should scare off the spirits that want to enter the house. According to the old calendar, the new year in England begins on November 1. It is believed that on the eve of October 31, evil spirits should be chased away with a special "lantern" made from a pumpkin or other vegetable.

There is another legend. The fiery head symbolizes the deal that a drunkard named Jack made with the evil one. He agreed that his soul would not go to hell, but since he was a sinner, there was no place for him in heaven either. That's how restless Jack's soul wanders around the world.

13 facts about Halloween that will make your hair stand on end
Halloween is one of the most beloved holidays in the whole world. He is especially loved in America. At the same time, in the secret lists of ratings of commercial festivals, it is among the TOP first. Who refuses to make his own scary pumpkin and eat all the candies collected on the street from the neighbors - the holiday is adored not only by children, but also by adults. Did you know that:

Halloween is more than 6000 years old. It is one of the oldest holidays in the whole world.
Americans spend $6.9 billion on Halloween every year, most of which goes to candy and costumes.
Of the 6.9 billion, approximately 2 billion goes to sweets. For this money, you can buy 6 Titanics.
"Life or wallet?". This Halloween phrase is heard everywhere and brings kids huge bags of candy.
Samainphobia is the official name for the fear of Halloween.
If you wear a costume inside out and go to Halloween, then according to belief, you can meet a real witch at midnight.
The weight of the heaviest pumpkin is 2096 pounds - the same weight as a small car. This vegetable grew in a Swiss garden.
Halloween pictures show a full moon. Although it is not observed so often on this day.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Halloween was celebrated with an emphasis on the river